When I entered the field of facilitation and visualization in 2005, I was passionate about facilitating change in the world and evolving potential. This is something that has not changed. Even today I see my work as contributing to meaningful value creation for society and entrepreneurship. I have the audacity to believe that my contribution, however small, has an impact on the systems in which I operate.
This is where my personal and our mindset at VISUAL FACILITATORS matters: We at Visual Facilitators are contributing to an evolving domain of “we”-creation of projects, organizations and leadership. We see ourselves as co-creators of corporate cultures full of opportunity, rich, alive and healthy . For us, this is both a personal fulfilment and the core purpose of our organization. Especially when we, again, make the experience that we have facilitated clients through their own unique transformation process! In a secure manner, full of beautiful experiences and profitably.
We operate from a perspective of systemic holism. And from an attitude of mindfulness, witnessing, conscious interventions, feedback/awareness, self-organization and facilitating processes. We are amazed when, as we move forward with a client, a new structure gradually emerges. And in which values, goals and vision come to life – and the whole system works together.
As Mathias Weitbrecht leading VISUAL FACILITATORS with this vision…
…and to develop it further is a personal fulfilment as well as a challenge for me. Given the rapid development of our professional field, I feel a lot of responsibility. The wealth of experience since 2005 and the fact that visualization / facilitation was a rather small community until a few years ago, makes me a conscious, careful co-creator of this field. Always with clients and facilitating change in mind.
In the field of facilitation, I stand for a mindful approach that includes subtle levels. I integrate the “not-knowing” of the New. I bring together both human and technical dimensions, and create / co-create spaces in which the next stage can reveal itself. Creating and maintaining the relation level, as well as personal integrity are essential for me.
In the field of visualization, in particular my skills of good listening, processing large amounts of information, my creativity, pattern recognition, perspective building and taking meta views are to be mentioned. The integration of visualization into existing processes as well as long-term thinking sets me apart. I am successful with my competency to convey complex correlations in an understandable way using simple means.
I am author of the book “Co-Create! Das Visualierungs-Buch” (German language) by Wiley Publ.: www.das-visualisierungs-buch.de.
In 2025, as the first European professional, I was officially certified as “Certified Master Visual Practitioner®“.