Graphic Recording Costs – Investing into Added Value (2024)

Reading Time: 11 min

Would you like to find out more about graphic recording costs? No problem! In this blog post, we’re not just talking about money, but also about the real added value.

So we’re looking beyond daily rates into what customers really buy. Because everyone who buys something, be it a sandwich from the bakery or a complex service, always buys the solution to a problem. 

Graphic recording costs

Is it about the sandwich? No, it’s more about satisfying hunger. Is it about a particular service? In truth, it’s more about making progress with a topic or process. Contact us for an initial call and we’ll discuss everything you need to know about live scribing at your event.

What is Graphic Recording and Why is it Worth the Cost?

Graphic recording is a professional practice method that has existed since the late 1970s to visually facilitate and document meetings, discussions or, more recently, events. Graphic recording is delivered live during the meeting in order to capture complex dialogue or content in a big picture. 

Historically, the method originates from organizational development and process facilitation, but has recently also been offered by illustrators. Graphic recording is worthwhile in many respects. 

The visual capture not only makes the meeting more effective in real time, as the participants benefit from increased collective intelligence through the visual reflection surface (the real-time effect of graphic recording). 

It also creates value post-event, as a visual documentation that can be used in a variety of ways, which is particularly helpful for larger events with many participants (the post-event benefit of graphic recording). 

Graphic recording costs are therefore not just an expense, but an investment in the success of your meeting. Optimal planning and good live use of graphic recording can increase this added value even further.

Reminder 1: Professional graphic recording adds more value than it costs.

The cost of professional graphic recording can vary depending on the type of event, the location and the preparation. In the next sections of this article, we will take a closer look at the added value of graphic recording and what “professional” actually means when using this method. We also explain why the costs are justified and provide useful tips for optimizing graphic recording costs.

Why is Graphic Recording (really) Booked?

Asking this question is part of the topic of graphic recording costs. Why? There are clearly several motivations for booking graphic recording or scribing. The spectrum here ranges from one extreme – an add-on (“nice to have” / “we just want to add some spice to the meal”) – to another extreme – a method that ensures that the meeting delivers more transformative results (“we can’t do without it”). 

Naturally, companies with the first intention are more cost-sensitive than those that have a success factor for their meeting results in mind. The factor of previous experience with graphic recording also plays a role in the topic. 

Graphic recording emerged in the U.S. in the early 1980s and in Europe at the mid 1990s, and has, out side the U.S., only become much more widespread since around 2013. Companies, moderators and projects have had their experiences with it – and there are clearly both bad and very good ones.

  • Those who had bad luck with a service provider or whose goals were not achieved may be critical and would rather pay less.
  • Those who have had a first-class experience, perhaps generating truly transformative added value, may expect the same the next time they book a graphic recorder.

In the first case, the next visualization expert booked could often make up for this: Take courage, just book someone else! In the second case, it will be difficult to get such a good, customer-centric professional again: Just book the same one again and/or focus on added value! 

In addition, prices have fallen slightly, especially since many new providers and newcomers began offering graphic recording. All of this is now reflected in the(ir) price. 

Yes, graphic recording makes it easier for participants to understand and clarify, as the meeting results are brought into the process live in the form of images and text. 

This activates the collective intelligence of the group and improves the achievement of goals and results. But what is the real motivation? A question that belongs to the topic of costs.

The Value generation of Graphic Recording: How it Enhances your Event

The added value of graphic recording is enormous and can enhance your event in many ways. Of course, good events always need a facilitator or moderator who is responsible for the meeting. 

Next to this, the graphic recording role looks seemingly “passive”. In fact, both work hand in hand and support the process from two sides. And in reality, graphic recording is not passive. 

The visualization of dialogues, content and results in real time creates an interactivity that has a positive effect on the participants. This contributes to the results of why people meet in the first place.

Graphic recording costs

This is more than the often-heard phrase “Customer satisfaction is customer expectation plus 1”. Value generation for the customer is like the magic of a hidden garden in which every flower represents the visitors’ expectations. An additional flower is added to the bed that already delights the eye – the “plus one”. 

This one flower may not be bigger or more colorful than the others, but its placement is thoughtful and brings a smile, an unexpected sparkle to the viewer’s eye. 

It surprises, delights and makes the overall picture unique. Just as the gardener knows that the secret of the stunning garden lies in the careful cultivation of each individual plant and in the little extra, graphic recorders that focus on value generation understand that transformation is not magic, but the result of attention and focus on the added value benefit. 

It is the unexpected but truly tangible “plus one” in the equation that turns ordinary graphic recording into a transformative result.

The Different Remuneration Variants of Graphic Recording

Graphic recording is a process-facilitating and creative method for visually supporting meetings and events. But what are the different approaches to the remuneration of a graphic recording?

Graphic recording costs? There are two approaches on the market, the most common of which is a Daily Rate

As graphic recording stems much more from the consulting business than from illustration, this is of course often the way the industry usually charges. The time is not calculated by the hour, but as a rule for the entire day

A lot is included in the daily rate. Even if time is billed, it is much more than the day. The location of the event plays a role. The costs can vary depending on whether the graphic recording is created live on site or digitally online. 

Preparation is also an important factor, and a core component of the costs. Good visualizers process a lot of information in advance – especially adapting their work towards the objectives of the event

In addition, the legal rights of use for the resulting visual are also included in the daily rate – as the whole thing is not about the visualizer or their talent (as is often the case in art or illustration), the rights are usually fully included in the daily rate (as with a trainer on a flipchart, for example). 

After the set-up and then the graphic recording, which often fills an entire day, there is often a follow-up, for example consisting of photo digitization and tailor-made instructions for use.

Reminder 2: Graphic recording should be seen as a package – in addition to the visualization assignment, briefing, lots of preparation, material, travel and follow-up are included.

Graphic Recording Costs? The other Approach is to Pay for the Benefits and Value Generation

Professional and highly experienced graphic recorders can also completely renounce mentioning a daily rate and instead focus primarily on the benefits and added value for the customer. Here are the key points:

  • They don’t focus on selling their “time”, but focus on the client’s goals.
  • Their approach is customer-oriented and therefore differs from traditional daily rate-based remuneration.
  • Their mindset is on delivering real, clear transformation and solving customer problems.
  • This requires a deep understanding of the customer and building a solid relationship.
  • It’s not just visual skills that are crucial, but a broad range of skills to identify, design and deliver maximum value.

Not only that, but also the correct assessment of one’s own contribution and solution competence. In my book “CoCreate – The Visualization Book“, I have dedicated the sixth chapter to the skills of visual practitioners

The following table of these skills is taken from the book and shows the competence of those graphic recording players who can really deliver this added customer value. 

As you can see, in the top right quadrant, the skills “Recording in words and images” and “Drawing…” are the only two that relate to the “technical”. Many other skills are required to really see, design and then deliver the maximum possible added value.

Graphic recording costs

Skills of visualisers – from the book “CoCreate – Das Visualisierungs-Buch”

Reminder 3: Delivering a maximum possible graphic recording value generation requires numerous skills from the graphic recorder, beyond drawing.

The remuneration of the benefits and value generation is highly effective. A win-win situation is created. This is very contrary to the current graphic recording market, which sometimes gives the impression that it is all about transactions (book, deliver a visual, pay). 

If we move from transaction to transformation (perceive, facilitate, make visible), then we have added value that is obvious, tangible and sustainable. This means that the graphic recorder or process-facilitating visual expert, pre-event, already is in deep sensing, perceiving and suggesting a concrete solution. 

And then, firstly, is able to implement, secondly, maintains eye-level contact with the customer and, thirdly, fully delivers right through to the end.

Graphic Recording Costs? The Importance of Customer Segment, Market and Region

Finally, graphic recording costs also differ according to industry, market and region. For example, non-profits and NGOs often have such low budgets that some graphic recorders only serve this industry “for the good cause” while others even deliberately stay away from it. 

Public authorities, politics and some large enterprises are also often avoided, as their procurement processes or even tender procedures can be extremely labor-intensive. Some graphic recorders then factor in this administrative effort and add it to the price. 

It is perfectly understandable that filling out 37-page forms and operating complex procurement portals and keeping track of all this for weeks cannot be included in the price for the visual facilitation of an event. 

Then there is the issue of the region: at VISUAL FACILITATORS, we have graphic recorders in our team who work regionally or even worldwide. We therefore have a bit of an overview and know that different prices are perfectly normal in different regions. And that you won’t be taken seriously if you work with, let’s say, German prices in China, Saudi Arabia or the USA. 

Customers there are in a different market, are familiar with a different quality of providers and may be familiar with a different scope of services and market prices. A few examples: China and Japan have a visual language and script. The image is much more embedded in the culture there than you can imagine elsewhere. These different customer expectations of graphic recordings produced there are reflected in the price. 

In the USA, what is referred to here as “graphic recording” is often known as “graphic facilitation”. The facilitation part is higher and is also expected by customers. Costs tend to be higher here, partly due to higher salaries, overhead costs and the generally high cost of doing business. 

The Middle East is known for its extremely high standards of business. Here, prices for business services can also be quite high – as can customer expectations and familiarity with a completely different culture. 

Prices are also influenced by political risks and crisis situations. At the moment (2024), it could be interpreted that the Middle East (e.g. the GCC region) is the exact opposite of, let’s say, Germany in this respect: The region in great prosperity, with energy in abundance and economic upswing – instead of deindustrialization like Germany. 

This also has price implications. For the sake of completeness: A final, but possibly less relevant aspect is the tax situation in the target market. Graphic recording in the most highly taxed countries in the world, such as Germany or Scandinavia, can be remunerated differently than in 0% tax regions or low-tax countries.

Graphic recording costs

Why are the Costs for Professional Graphic Recording justified?

In the previous paragraph about the added value, a few things have already been mentioned. Another question when considering costs is the following: Is graphic recording even in the right place? 

Some people may ask themselves this question when it comes to planning an event and looking for ways to support it visually. However, affording a graphic recording is sometimes characterized by the search for an “entertainment” add-on for the event – and in other cases by the addition of a transformative key element. 

Two completely different motivations, both of which really do have their justification. And should also have different prices. All in all, the cost of professional graphic recording is justified because the service can offer real value. 

Visual support makes content easier to understand and helps participants remember it for longer. The investment is therefore worthwhile in order to enhance your event and make it a lasting success.

Reminder 4: For important meetings, you can turn the question around – what does it cost me not make use of graphic recording?

Tips for Optimizing Graphic Recording Costs – and therefore Added Value

When it comes to maximizing the benefits of your graphic recording, there are a few useful tips that can help you.

  1. The first step is to clarify your own motivation. As described above, this can range from “we’ll add something fun” to “we need that one single, all-important success factor in the room” (these quotes are not the rule, but are taken from real customer inquiries and are mentioned here to show the spectrum).

  2. The next step is to find the right graphic recorder as a partner. Is this partner organized in relevant professional associations such as IFVP, EVP or IAF? Or in an illustration association such as the IO? Is the service provider trained and educated in graphic recording, or has someone simply started offering graphic recording as a creative? Does the service provider have the ability to provide in-depth support for complex change, corporate culture and business project settings?

  3. Then you should submit a request and share all the relevant information about your event. Instead of simply sending a quote, a professional graphic recorder will enter into a conversation and advise you in detail in order to work out the real value for you.

  4. Only if this value generation is not clear or is not desired (keyword “entertainment”) is it worth comparing different providers. Of course by the added value generated for you as a customer. A PDF quote is not absolutely necessary because it does not answer any questions – the consultation is crucial. Visual examples of the providers’ work are helpful, but have limited informative value. Since graphic recording was invented (at the end of the 1970s), it has been a guiding principle that you can hardly tell from the outside whether a graphic recording is good or not. This can only be answered in full by those who were in the room when it was created.

  5. A briefing discussion helps to ensure that the scribe is prepared. If this is highly effective, the added value can increase and costs can be saved. Whether the graphic recording is done on paper in the room or digitally: it is best to leave the recommendation to the visual expert instead of deciding for yourself!

  6. The added value and costs of graphic recording are optimized in particular when the visualizer is integrated into the process flow and the event design as early as possible – instead of being booked at the last minute. A clear link to the objectives of the meeting generates the greatest value and is therefore a worthwhile investment.

  7. For many graphic recorders, work stops when the event is over. Look for professionals who conduct a follow-up discussion and look at the original objectives, evaluate the achievement or even make it measurable.

These tips will help optimize the cost of your graphic recording and ensure that you get the true value from this unique visualization technique – while keeping your budget in mind

With careful planning and communication, you can get the most out of your graphic recording and take your event to the next level.

Reminder 5: The earlier a graphic recorder is integrated into planning, the better the results and the value generated.

Graphic recording costs

What does Graphic Recording Cost?

The costs for graphic recording vary and depend on various factors:

  • Fees for event-related visualization are typically between 1,500 and 2,500 Euros when billed as a daily rate. Beginners may possibly charge less (often with reductions in quality).
  • It is important to consider which services are included in the “package”. For example, all legal rights of use should be included fully and without restrictions.
  • The quality of a graphic recording depends less on the “drawing” and style and more on other skills of the  executing professional and other aspects that are taken into account in the daily rate.
  • Recent publications on the cost of graphic recording offer helpful guidelines, but they often do not take into account the full process support and the original purpose of a graphic recording.
  • In rare cases, two graphic recorders work together in “tandem recording” to capture more in less time. This naturally leads to higher costs, but also offers a (higher) target-oriented benefit.
  • In the case of customer-oriented remuneration, which focuses on value generation, no specific prices can be quoted here. It is not necessarily about a premium price tag, but the main focus is on the added value generated and real transformation for the customer.

Conclusion: The True Value of Graphic Recording – an Investment in the Success of your Event

Graphic recording is a valuable investment in the success of your event by taking meetings to a new level and improving outcomes. The focus is not only on the ability to draw, but also on providing value and transformation support. 

Visuals enhance attendee understanding and recall, create a unique atmosphere and increase interactivity, resulting in a lasting message and added value to your event. Especially when it doesn’t focus on the service, but on transformation.

In this light, graphic recording costs are low given the numerous benefits associated with it.

Visual scribing support (graphic recording) for an event or meeting? Schedule your call:

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